Zpey Salt
Zpey Salt
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Zpey garanti
Zpey garanti
Zpey Warranty
Every new Zpey rod and reel is covered by our original owner warranty for a period of two years from date of purchase.
The warranty covers against any defects in material or workmanship.
Material defects are material- or production flaws or errors that cause the product to be disfunctional.
Not ordinary wear and tear or self-inflicted damage.
Should your Zpey product prove defective please return to Zpey, and we will repair or send you a new product at a shipping- and administrative fee of 30 Euro.
Fly Rod Service
In the unfortunate event that you should break a section of your Zpey fly rod of the following models : Ztealth, Zalt, Dreamcatcher II, Zero II we can offer a fast ‘no questions asked’ service at a minimal shipping and handling fee of 100 EURO, which will be invoiced with the delivery.
Simply return the broken fly rod section/s to Zpey, Cedervej 2E, 7400 Herning, preferably with a short description of the problem, and we will make sure you have a replacement rod section swiftly.
Please note that international customers will be responsible for any additional customs and duty charges added post shipping from Zpey.
For further service and warranty enquiries, please send an email to sales@zpey.com
This is the best rod for seatrout fishing, both in the fjord and on the open coast.
Since Zpey is from Denmark, it was very important to us to create a rod for seatrout fishing on the coast. The main purpose was to craft a long casting rod that could handle even bigger coastal seatrout flies, saltwater trough years of use, perform in wind and heavy weather and still be fun to fight even smaller seatrout on.
It was a great challenge, but we are very proud of the result - The Zpey Salt!
If you combine this rod with our line setup, you will get the perfect flyfishing setup for seatrout fishing on the coast.
Running line: Zpey Speed Line
Shootinghead: Zpey Salt Minitip
Zpey Salt features:
- Saltwater resistant
- Performs well in rough weather
- Excellent line control
- Deep action
- Very fun to fight even smaller seatrout with
- Comes in a rodtube
Zpey Salt, #6 - 14g:
This is the perfect rod if you like to fish for seatrout in the fjord, with lighter tackle and small-medium size flies.
It is also a great and very fun rod for night fishing for seatrout, where the trout often come really close to you. Here short and precise throws can make a huge difference, which lets the #6 Zpey Salt shine.
Zpey Salt, #7 - 16-18g:
This is a perfect all round flyrod for seatrout fishing.
It can be delicate and precise on difficult days, but also handle rough conditions on the open coast. With the #7 Zpey Salt you'll be able to make those long casts and cover lots of water to find the seatrout that you are looking for on the coast.
Bigger seatrout flies is not a problem to handle with this rod.
Zpey Salt, #8 - 18-20g:
If you like the following things, the Zpey Salt #8 is the rod for you:
- Open coast fishing
- Sandeel immitation flies and big shrimp immitation flies
- Rough wind and current
- Early spring fishing for big seatrot
This rod will help you defy weather, cover a lot of water and go all in for that big chrome seatrout on the open coast.

Zpey Alpha fluestænger - komprommisløs kvalitet

Bygget af fiskere til fiskere
ZPEY ALPHA er det mest ambitiøse, største, vildeste, dyreste og mest tekniske stang projekt i Zpey`s historie nogensinde med mere end tre års intensiv udvikling og utallige timers erfaring ved vandet. Stængerne i ZPEY ALPHA-serien er resultatet af den nyeste udvikling inden for kulfiber kombineret med Graphene og et innovativt vibrationsdæmpende tilsætningsmateriale, resin. Denne kombination skaber en stangserie med en dyb og stærk aktion, en unik følelse ved ladningen og en overlegen kraftoverførsel, der er helt ekstraordinær. Klingen er opbygget med det nye DTS ( Direction stabilizer technology ) - der minimere vibrationer i klingen i kastet, der medføre stangserien har en hidtil uset recovery. Det giver lange og ekstreme præcise kast, der gør fluen lander der hvor du vil have den.
Fluefiskeri skal være nemt
ZPEY ALPHA-stængerne tilbyder en ny moderne aktion, der giver mere kasteglæde og har et bredere "vindue" for perfekt ladning for den erfaren fluekaster eller dig som begynder der bare vil have det bedste af det bedste. Den håndtere alle kasteformer, underhånds som overhånds på en måde der ikke er set før. En stangserie der bare skal prøves, men vær opmærksom på stangen er en Alpha og du nemt vækker dens indre vilddyr.
Særlige dele
Stængerne er monteret med Recoil keramiske black pearl-stangøjer, Grade A+++ kork og en koreansk produceret Zpey hjulholder. Designet er enestående og vi synes det er et af de flotteste på markedet, der kombinerer æstetik og funktionalitet på bedste vis.
ZPEY ALPHA-serien er simpelthen en stangserie, der skiller sig ud med sin ekstraordinære teknologi, power og design og endda i et prisleje der sætter konkurrenterne på plads. Prøv dem og vi taler samme sprog !
Hvilke flueliner passer til din Alpha
Zpey Alpha stængerne proformer ualmindelig godt med de populære Zpey Zkagit light skydehoveder og Zpey hybrid skydehoved. - både med Zpey Speedline monofil line 50lb eller den coated runningline i 0,032
Kontakt os og få sparring
Mangler du sparring omkring stangen eller det rette line setup til netop dit fiskeri og kastestil, besøg os gerne eller giv os et opkald og lad os hjælpe dig.